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iSeries Trigger Techniques Re-Visited

IBM Manual: Stored Procedures, Triggers and User Defined Functions on DB2 Universal Database for iSeries

by Alex Jayasundara
and Thibault Dambrine

Think of a hypothetical situation where a system has been running for many years, with some "known bugs, but nothing too critical". Consequences? Minor - One of the senior programmers simply runs a quick scan program and fixes a few records once in a while. It is a problem, a "known bug", but the company can survive without too much of a hiccup. Sounds familiar?


What if the consequences were MAJOR? What if individual bank accounts were at stake? Actual people's paychecks could be affected? How can one make an application bug-proof? Bug-proofing any application, especially complex and sensitive programs such as ones affecting payrolls, medical records or banking records is not a trivial task. One giant step towards increasing reliability by killing obvious bugs can be achieved with triggers.


Trigger programs typically are simple and automatically activated. They enforce simple rules, such as "don't allow creation of a detail record without an existing header" or  "don't allow a money transfer for an amount greater than what is available in the source account".  They can also be more sophisticated, look at related records in a number of other files before deciding to take action, which itself can be a number of things, from writing a log record to preventing an action or sending a message.


The point here is that simply said, bigger bugs tend to occur less often if the more obvious ones are kept in check.


While the general principle of triggers has not changed much, over time the AS/400 has become the iSeries, languages used on this machine have evolved, and so have trigger techniques.  So, get a cup of coffee, have a seat, and we will show you with a few examples how you too can use triggers to make your systems more reliable.



Trigger Basics


The official, IBM definition of a database trigger is as follows:


Triggers are user-written programs that are associated with database tables. You can define a trigger for update, delete, and insert operations. Whenever the operation takes place, regardless of the interface that is changing the data, the trigger program is automatically activated by DB2 database and executes its logic. In this way, complex rules can be implemented at the database level, totally independent from the application layer.


Triggers are mainly intended for monitoring database changes and taking appropriate actions. The main advantage of using triggers, instead of calling the program from within an application, is that triggers are activated automatically, regardless of the process at the origin of the data change.


In addition, once a trigger is in place, application programmers and end users cannot circumvent it. When a trigger is activated, the control shifts from the application program to the database manager. The operating system executes the trigger program to perform the actions you designed. The application has no choice but to wait until the trigger program has finished its job and only then gets control again.


Triggers may cause other triggers to be called. This is a consideration one has to understand when designing triggers, which affect files that are themselves equipped with triggers.


Type of Triggers


There are two types of triggers available in iSeries database tables. They are SQL triggers and External triggers.


SQL triggers can be created using the SQL CREATE TRIGGER statement. Part of the task when using SQL to create a trigger involves specifying the name of the trigger, what table it is attached to, when it should be activated (BEFORE INSERT, AFTER UPDATE etc), and finally what actions it should perform. Using the SQL statement provided, the operating system will create a C program with your SQL statements embedded within. In effect, the system will do a combination of CRTSQLCI and CRTPGM commands to produce the final trigger program. What will be visible to the user will be an ILE C *PGM object.


External triggers are more conventional user written programs. They may or may not contain SQL statements. External triggers can be created using any high level language capable of generating *PGM objects. Each programming language has its own strengths and weaknesses. It is up to the programmer to select the optimal programming language to begin with. Since external triggers start life as regular programs, they have to be manually attached to a file to be implemented as triggers. This can be done with either ADDPFTRG command or with the iSeries Navigator.


On the topic of iSeries languages in particular, SQL is emerging as the more universal database access language. The iSeries has seen its SQL abilities grow in the last few years. C is emerging as the language of choice for applications that demand more portability. Finally, RPG did evolve in the last 8 years.  In this article we will discuss triggers using pure SQL (SQL Triggers) and External triggers using RPG and C.  On that particular point, we will use both SQL and conventional OS/400 terminology interchangeably in this article. Appendix 1 gives the equivalent terminology for both.


Benefit of Triggers


Typical use of triggers include:


Ø       Provide consistent auditing

Ø       Prevent invalid transactions

Ø       Enforce complex business rules

Ø       Enforce complex security authorizations

Ø       Provide automatic event logging

Ø       Automatically generate derived column values Preserving data consistency across different database tables

Ø       Data validation and audit trail


Regardless of the application and the use one can make of the trigger, the principles remain the same. The trigger fires on a given condition, say, a deletion or the addition of a new record. When this happens, the contents of the old and the new record are passed to the trigger program and the same decision, the same rules and the same actions are taken every time, regardless of what process modified the content of the file. Note that because trigger programs will be fired for a number of circumstances, they should be very well tested, as buggy trigger programs can create giant size messes, depending on what they do.



Automated Teller Machine transaction logging system Example


To illustrate triggers in the real world, we will use an every-day life example: depositing or withdrawing money through ATM. Using that example, we will explore the following scenarios:

The iSeries is writing Automated Teller Machine transactions by writing add/change/delete row(s) to a transaction file named ATMTXN. The table ATMTXN is equipped with a trigger. For each operation on ATMTXN the trigger will log the transaction to a file named ATMTXNLOG.


While our example will only do logging, this solution can be easily enhanced to update account balances, maintain ATM totals or perform other outside operations.


The base of our example resides in two files: The transaction file, ATMTXN, and the logging file, ATMTXNLOG. Here are the DDS maps for these two files: 



* ATM Transactions                                       


           R ATMTRANR                                     

             ATMID          5A         COLHDG('ATM ID')   

             ACCTID         5A         COLHDG('Account #')

             TCODE          1A         COLHDG('Txn Code') 

             AMOUNT         7S 2       COLHDG('Txn Amount')

             DESC          10A         COLHDG('Txn Description')


           K ATMID                                        

           K ACCTID                                       




The fields in ATMTXN are self-explanatory. Note the ALWNULL keyword on field DESC, which will allow this field to contain NULL's. We made DESC field as null-capable to be able to explore the topic of NULL maps in relationship with their purpose when using triggers.




* ATM Transactions log                                           

                 R TXNLOGR                                              

                   LOPER          1A         COLHDG('Operation')        

                   LDATE           L         COLHDG('Date')             

                   LTIME           T         COLHDG('Time')             

                   LIMGB         28A         COLHDG('Before Image')     

                   LNMAPB         5A         COLHDG('Null Map - Before')

                   LIMGA         28A         COLHDG('After Image')      

                 LNMAPA        5A        COLHDG('Null Map - After')





-          Field LOPER will contain a transaction code  (I – insert, U – update, D – delete) to identify the type of operation.

-          LDATE and LTIME will hold the date and time of the transaction.

-          LIMGB and LNMAPB will hold the record before the operation and null map before the operation respectively

-          LIMGA and LNMAPA are the corresponding fields for after the operation.

-          LNMAPB and LNMAPA fields will contain the NULL MAPS for each of the record images. NULL maps are sequences of ones and zeros used to indicate the presence of null values in the field they represent. There are as many bytes in the NULL map as there are fields. Encountering a NULL value in a field can make a high level program crash. The trigger program can use the NULL Map to know in advance if a field contains NULLs. The idea is to enable program logic based on the value of the NULL indicator rather than attempting to use a NULL-filled field which would make it crash.



Overview of the Design




The diagram above shows that when any modification is made to ATMTXN, the system will invoke the trigger program named ATMTXTRG. ATMTXTRG will capture the old record, the old null map, the new record and the new null map. It will then write these fields in the TXNLOGGER, along with the NULL maps. This design was selected to facilitate the discussion of ATMTXTRG using different languages (RPG and C), that have comparable features. Later, we will discuss the same trigger example, using SQL this time, to do the job.



Basic information for trigger programming


When a trigger is fired, the system provides two key elements for trigger program. They are the Trigger Buffer and the Trigger Buffer Length. An important point is that the Trigger buffer contains both a static area and a dynamic area. More details on the trigger buffer and its sub-fields can be found in the DB2 UDB for iSeries Database Programming V5R1.


Here is a graphic picture of what this buffer looks like:


                     10                20                 30          31        32        33         36           40             44           48       


File Name














Rec. #



                                                                     64                                                                      80         96          

Old Record Information

New Record Information






Null Map


Null Map




Null Map


Null Map





Old Record


Old Record

Null Map


New Record


New Record

Null Map





Trigger Buffer – This buffer will be passed to the external trigger program



 Reserved by IBM for future use



In the trigger buffer, position 1 to 44 contains physical file information. This information may be useful in some circumstances, for example if the trigger monitors for the size of the file or if the trigger program has a decision to make based on the member being used. Position 49 to 80 however tends to be the bread and butter information for most trigger programs. Starting at position 49, you will find four fields, which can be better qualified as pointers. They contain offsets and lengths for "old" or before image of the record being modified and its corresponding null map. The same pointers for new record can be found at position 65. This whole area of the trigger buffer (position 0 thru 96) is called as static area.


Following the static area, in a variable position (you will notice the diagram does not specify a position), is the dynamic area. This area will contain the before and after records and their corresponding NULL maps. This is most commonly the actual data that any trigger program will use to make a decision.


Before V5R1 the before and after record images were placed soon after the position 96. While this sounds ambiguous, there is a reason. Here is how it used to work: . So if you had a file with F number of fields and a record length of L, then the total length of the trigger buffer would be 96 + 2 * (L + F). In effect, the static and dynamic parts of the trigger buffer were contiguous.


After V5R1, the dynamic portion of the trigger buffer may not come immediately after the static portion of the buffer. Note that in potentially, these fields can be change on every execution of the trigger for the same file even if the field definitions did not change.


Based on above facts there is no way to access the dynamic area correctly unless we use the information on position 49 thru 80 to find where the dynamic portion of the data is located.


Because of this change, most trigger programs written prior to V5R1 are not working well after V5R1. In this article we will assume that all four dynamic data is placed in the different locations and will use the pointers from position 65 thru 80 to determine the starting positions as follows. Another notable V5R1 change is that IBM has removed the previous limit of 6 triggers per table since V5R1. Now one database table can have maximum of 300 triggers.




Starting position of old record       =  Starting position of trigger buffer + Old record offset

                                                                                                                 (value from position 49 – 52)


Starting position of new record     =  Starting position of trigger buffer + New record offset

                                                                                                                 (value from position 64 – 67)


Starting position of old null map   =  Starting position of trigger buffer + Old null map offset

                                                                                                                 (value from position 57 – 60)


Starting position of new null map  =  Starting position of trigger buffer + new null map offset

                                                                                                                 (value from position 73 – 76)



Trigger Example using RPG ILE


When writing any trigger program, the first order of the day is defining the trigger buffer. Here below is the definition of the trigger buffer for RPG. Here is the definition for this example:



   D*  Data structures for Trigger Buffer    

   D*  and Trigger Buffer Length            


   D*  Trigger Buffer                       


   DTrgBuffer        DS                     

   D TFileName                     10       

   D TLibName                      10       

   D TMemName                      10       

   D TTrgEvent                      1       

   D TTrgTime                       1       

   D TCommitLock                    1       

   D TFiller1                       3       

   D TCCSID                        10I 0    

   D TRelRecNbr                    10I 0    

   D TFiller2                      10I 0  

   D TOldRecOff                    10I 0  

   D TOldRecLen                    10I 0  

   D TOldNullOff                   10I 0  

   D TOldNullLen                   10I 0  

   D TNewRecOff                    10I 0  

   D TNewRecLen                    10I 0  

   D TNewNullOff                   10I 0  

   D TNewNullLen                   10I 0  


   D*  Trigger Buffer Length              


   DTrgBufferLen     S             10I 0  


Trigger Buffer for RPG


Note the use of I (integer) data type for all the binary data types. This is because integer data type is more efficient and supports full range of values possible. One useful technique is to define the trigger buffer data structure as a separate source member. It can then be used with a COPY statement in any trigger program. We saved the above as TRGBUFFER with the type DS (for Data Structure) and it will be included in our ATMTXTRG RPG version.  


Here is the RPG portion of ATMTXTRG. For clearer understanding, we will break it down in five parts:


Part 1 – Defining the trigger buffer and other variables.



*. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...

*************** Beginning of data *************************


D/COPY QRPGLESRC,TRGBUFFER                                



The only line in the code above will copy our trigger buffer to the program at time of compilation.


Part 2 – Declaring data storage for old and new records


To declare structures describing the before and after images of the records monitored by the trigger program, there is a good shortcut available in ILE RPG: Use the file name to serve as an externally defined data structure. We are going to use Extname keyword to define the external file name and Prefix keyword for global renaming of all fields in the database file. It is important to distinguish fields from new and old records if you are using your driver program to initiate specific tasks based on specific information (eg. Send a notification for a withdrawal over certain amount).



   *. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7


 D*  Record format for New and Old Records.                      


 D OldRecord     E DS                  ExtName(ATMTXN)           

 D                                     Prefix(O_)                

 D                                     Based(OldRecPtr)          


 D NewRecord     E DS                  ExtName(ATMTXN)           

 D                                     Prefix(N_)                 

 D                                     Based(NewRecPtr)          


By combining Prefix and ExtName keywords what program does is copy the fields of ATMTXN with prefix O_ to the data structure “OldRecord” and copy the fields of ATMTXN with prefix N_ to the data structure “NewRecord”. You will see this reflected in the compilation listing.


The keywords "Based" are used to identify which pointer is used to access the data for a given data structure. As soon as the pointers are populated with the required data, the record information will be made available in the data structure.   


Part 3 – Declaring data storage for old and new null maps


As a reminder, the NULL maps contain a series of one-byte flags. There is one NULL map byte per field and they are grouped in a data structure. Access to the NULL map data structure will be done with the same method we used for the record data. The length of the null map is always equal to number of fields in the data base file (one byte per field). In this example, we declare an array with the dimension of 5 one-byte elements since our file only has five data fields. 





D*  Record layout for New and Old Null Maps.                


D OldNullMap      DS                  Based(OldNullPtr)     

D  ONullFld                      1    DIM(5)                

D NewNullMap      DS                  Based(NewNullPtr)     

D  NNullFld                      1    DIM(5)                




Here we have defined two pointers named “OldNullPtr” and “NewNullPtr” to hold the starting positions of the null maps and by setting the values for these pointers data will be available on  “OldNullMap” and “NewNullMap”.



Part 4  – Declaring the parameter list


The trigger buffer and trigger buffer length will be passed to the program by the system as parameters each time the trigger is fired. These parameters are written in the most standard RPG.




C     *ENTRY        PLIST                                              

C                   PARM                    TrgBuffer                  

C                   PARM                    TrgBufferLen                




Part 5  – Setting pointers


We will use the RPG built in function %ADDR to supply the values to the pointers as shown below. This will effectively populate the pointers that will tell the program where to locate the data structures described in the sections above.




C                   Eval      OldRecPtr  = %ADDR(TrgBuffer) + TOldRecOff

C                   Eval      NewRecPtr  = %ADDR(TrgBuffer) + TNewRecOff


C                   Eval      OldNullPtr = %ADDR(TrgBuffer) + TOldNullOff

C                   Eval      NewNullPtr = %ADDR(TrgBuffer) + TNewNullOff


As soon as the “OldRecPointer” is retrieved, data will be available in “OldRecord”.  The same principle will apply to the other combinations of pointers and data structures.


Having retrieved the pointers and thus the associated data structures, the program now has access to the before and after image of the record, broken up by field that can be distinguished. By this, we mean that any of the old record fields can be individually compared to its corresponding new version. The program is now equipped with all the information necessary to write the logic within the program.


The example we have chosen to write here is a simple logging function. We could have references to other, outside files, but for now, on with this example. The trigger program will log the before and after images of the records modified, along with their NULL maps and pass this information as parameters to a separate program named TXNLOGGER.



C* Call TXNLOGGER                                                   


C                   CALL      'TXNLOGGER'                            

C                   PARM                    TTrgEvent                

C                   PARM                    OldRecord               

C                   PARM                    OldNullMap              

C                   PARM                    NewRecord               

C                   PARM                    NewNullMap              


C* End the program                                                  


C                   Eval      *InLR = *On                           






Using the parameters passed earlier on, TXNLOGGER will write the actual log file record.


     FATMTXNLOG O  A E             DISK


     DInsert           C                   CONST('1')

     DDelete           C                   CONST('2')

     DUpdate           C                   CONST('3')


     DTrgEvent         S              1A

     DOldRecord        S             28A

     DOldNullMap       S              5A

     DNewRecord        S             28A

     DNewNullMap       S              5A


     DCurTime          S               T

     DCurDate          S               D



     C     *ENTRY        PLIST

     C                   PARM                    TrgEvent

     C                   PARM                    OldRecord

     C                   PARM                    OldNullMap

     C                   PARM                    NewRecord

     C                   PARM                    NewNullMap



     C                   TIME                    CurTime

     C                   TIME                    CurDate


     C                   MOVE      CurDate       LDATE

     C                   MOVE      CurTime       LTIME


     C                   Select

     C                   When      TrgEvent = Insert

     C                   Move      'I'           LOPER

     C                   MOVE      NewRecord     LIMGA

     C                   MOVE      NewNullMap    LNMAPA


     C                   When      TrgEvent = Update

     C                   Move      'U'           LOPER

     C                   MOVE      OldRecord     LIMGB

     C                   MOVE      OldNullMap    LNMAPB

     C                   MOVE      NewRecord     LIMGA

     C                   MOVE      NewNullMap    LNMAPA


     C                   When      TrgEvent = Delete

     C                   Move      'D'           LOPER

     C                   MOVE      OldRecord     LIMGB

     C                   MOVE      OldNullMap    LNMAPB

     C                   EndSl


     C                   Write     TXNLOGR

     C                   Eval      *InLR = *On



Compiling Techniques for ATMTXTRG and TXNLOGGER


In this example, we have split the trigger process in two different programs, ATMTXTRG and TXNLOGGER.

Conceivably, one could do the entire job with just one program. There are advantages and disadvantages for both techniques. On the plus side, having two programs means that the ATMTXTRG portion is very simple. If they had to be re-cycled as base code to write other triggers, this code would be easy to modify.


One parameter to be careful about when compiling trigger programs that are coded in two parts, like we have here, is the activation group. For the trigger program it is most efficient to use ACTGRP(*CALLER), which means the trigger driver program will share the resources of it’s calling program, instead of starting a new activation group.


Here below are the compile commands used to create the programs we have written above.








Adding trigger program to ATMTXN


With the two programs described above, we now have the components of the trigger. The trigger however will not call itself unless we create the link between the file and the trigger programs. To do this, we will add ATMTXTRG as a trigger to ATMTXN database file.


This can be done in one of three methods. A trigger that will link our programs to the transaction file can be added:

-          At time of creation of the table.

-          Editing the properties of the already existing transaction table using Operations Navigator can do it.

-          The CL command Add Physical File Trigger (ADDPFTRG) command can also be used to link the transaction table with the trigger program. This is the most commonly used method.


Before adding a trigger to a physical file, ensure you have proper authority. See Appendix 1, “Required authorities and data capabilities for triggers”  for information about these requirements.


In this case, we will use the most common method used, the ADDPFTRG CL command.





Note that in this example, the trigger will be fired after every insert. We named the trigger “ATMTXN_RPG_AFTER_INSERT”. Using meaningful names for triggers is always helpful, especially if there are multiple triggers on a single file.


Now that we have created the association between the file and the trigger program, the system will call the trigger program (this is often described as "fire the trigger") after (in this case) each write, operation on any member of that physical file.


To verify that the trigger added is well in place, use the command


It provides information such as the number of trigger programs, trigger program names and libraries, trigger events (add/update/delete) and the trigger time (before or after the events).


Once this verification is done, the trigger process and the trigger program can be tested together.


Testing the trigger program


To test ATMTXTRG  what needs to be done is either an add, a change or a delete operation on ATMTXN, depending on how the trigger is configured. In this case, the trigger will fire after an insert. If it everything is correct, it should fire the trigger when a new record is written to the transaction file and the log record should be found in the ATMTXNLOG file.


One convenient way to test and document the tests done is to use SQL Statements, DFU and other simple data entry applications for the iSeries are also good, but they lack the "documentable" of SQL. No matter how you change the data trigger will be activated and records will be logged. The fact that the trigger is fired, no matter what program touches the file, is the most important feature of a trigger. Here are some SQL examples that you can use if you are trying for yourself to fire the trigger in this example.


INSERT INTO TRIGTEST/ATMTXN    VALUES ('ATM01','10001', 'W', 100.00, 'TEST   ' ) 

INSERT INTO TRIGTEST/ATMTXN    VALUES ('ATM02','20001', 'D', 230.00, NULL )     




After running the above commands have a look at the file ATMTXNLOG. You will see the transactions you have entered automatically reproduced in the transaction log file the trigger. If you carefully view the log record for second transaction you will see 00001 as your null map. What it says is fifth field was null. At the same time log record for third transaction will hold 00001 for null map before update and 00000 for null map after update. This says the fifth field was NULL before and now it is not a null field.



Trigger Example using ILE C


We will use same five steps that we have used in the RPG example to explain our C trigger program. Lets start from trigger buffer. Here is they way you would define the trigger buffer using C:



/* Trigger Buffer */                     

   struct Trg_Buffer{                    

         char  TFileName[10];            

         char  TLibName[10];             

         char  TMbrName[10];             

         char  TTrgEvent[1];             

         char  TTrgTime[1];              

         char  TCmtLvl[1];               

         char  TResv01[3];               

         int   CCSID;                    

         int   Current_RRN;              

         char  TResv02[4];               

         int   TOldRecOffset;            

         int   TOldRecLength;            

         int   TOldNullMapOffset;        

         int   TOldNullMapLen;           

         int   TNewRecOffset;            

         int   TNewRecLength;            

         int   TNewNullMapOffset;        

         int   TNewNullMapLen;           

       } TrgBuf;                          


Trigger Buffer for C


Note that this is an explicit description of the trigger buffer. Another technique consists of using a header file provided by IBM. The code would look like


#include "qsysinc/h/trgbuf" /* Trigger input parameter */



We saved this trigger buffer in a source file TRGBUFFER. Here is the complete source listing divided into five sections.


#include <stdio.h>                                                

#include <stdlib.h>                                               A

#include <string.h>                                                

#include "TRGBUFFER"                                              


#pragma map(write_atm_log, "TXNLOGGER")                           

#pragma linkage(write_atm_log, OS, nowiden)                       


void write_atm_log(char[1], char[28], char[28], char[5], char[5]);


#define  RECSIZE  28                                             

#define  FLDTOTAL  5 


void trgbufcpy(char *, char *, int, int);


void main(int argc, char **argv)                                   B


   char buf_before[RECSIZE];                                    

   char buf_after[RECSIZE];    

   char nullmap_before[FLDTOTAL];                                 

   char nullmap_after[FLDTOTAL];                                                                  

   memcpy(&TrgBuf, argv[1], sizeof(TrgBuf));                      C


   trgbufcpy(argv[1], buf_before, TrgBuf.TOldRecOffset,          



   Trgbufcpy(argv[1], buf_after, TrgBuf.TNewRecOffset,           



   Trgbufcpy(argv[1], nullmap_before, TrgBuf.TOldNullMapOffset,  



   trgbufcpy(argv[1], nullmap_after, TrgBuf.TNewNullMapOffset,   


write_atm_log(TrgBuf.TTrgEvent,                                   D






 } /* End of Main */                                                   

void trgbufcpy(char *source_str, char *dest_str, int bufoffset, int buflen) E        


 int i;                                                                

    for (i = 0; i <= buflen; i++){                                           

         dest_str[I] = source_str[i + bufoffset];                              


    dest_str[buflen] = '\0';                                                



                      Complete source code for trigger driver program (ATMTXTRG) using ILE C.


We will now dissect the C program to expose the same five steps we used to build our RPG program.


Define trigger buffer and other variables


In the code above, the first 3 lines are standard C header files. The fourth line is a user include file. It is distinguished by  the quotations around it. The next two lines define the Records Size and number of fields respectively.   The last line is the prototype definition for the function trgbufcpy. This is a user-defined function that we created for the purpose of copying the trigger buffer contents. The combination of other C instructions can also be used, but in our opinion, trgbufcpy makes processing clearer and easier to read. This function takes four arguments: The source buffer (the incoming parameter), the destination (the buffer we will use in the program), the offset (where we will pick up the data) and the length (how many bytes we will copy in the buffer). This was done in section A.


Declaring data storage for old and new records and old and new null maps


The first two character arrays declared above in section B will hold the before and after record images. The next two will contain the before and after images of the null maps. In these statements we used the predefined variables RECSIZE and FLDTOTAL defined in section A.


Declaring the parameter list


In C The first parameter, the integer argc will hold the number of parameters passed to the program. The parameters do not have to be declared separately. They will be passed via the argv array.


Setting pointers and copying data


This is done in section C. The first line will copy the first parameter argv[1] to our trigger structure. Next four lines will copy respective parts of the memory to variables buf_before, buf_after, nullmap_before and nukmap_after. We are using the function trgbufcpy that we declared in section A.


Now we have to call TXNLOGGER to log the information. We cannot just make a call here. We have to define TXNLOGGER program using  #pragma keywords (this was done in section A) and then call that mapped function. In our program TXNLOGGER program was mapped to a function  write_atm_log.


Note: The activation group consideration for the C programs are the same as the ones relevant the RPG programs. The only difference is that instead of using CRTRPG commands, we will use CRTC commands.



Trigger Example using SQL


In the RPG and C examples, we used 5 distinct steps to exemplify the trigger-building process. While SQL achieves the same goals, it is more of a single pass type of process.  Here is the general structure of an trigger, when written with an SQL statement:


CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name

       Activation _Time  Trigger_Event  ON table_name

       REFERNENCING OLD AS old_row  NEW AS new_row



       WHEN condition


             Trigger body



Two key elements must be well understood when using triggers in general and SQL triggers in particular:

The timing of the trigger: BEFORE or AFTER

The operation that the trigger will monitor for: INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE

 When combined, these two parameters make phrases like AFTER INSERT or BEFORE UPDATE etc.


If for example you are planning to access fields present in a row BEFORE and AFTER the operation, you should declare correlation variables for both the old row and the new row. In the example above, such a variable referencing the before value would be named old_row.fieldname, and it could be compared to new_row.fieldname in the trigger body. This, in effect, is the way to refer to the before and after trigger buffers in SQL.


Here below is the SQL version of the RPG and C trigger example programs for an insert operation:


CREATE TRIGGER I_TRANSLOGGER                                     

AFTER INSERT ON ATMTXN                                          

REFERENCING NEW_TABLE AS N_TABLE                             

NEW AS N_ROW                                                   

FOR EACH ROW MODE DB2SQL                                       

INSERT INTO ATMTXNLOG                                          


'NO BEFORE IMAGE ', 'DUMMY',                                     


CHAR(N_ROW.AMOUNT)|| CHAR(N_ROW.DESC),                           



Let us highlight a few points on this statement:


The data that can be processed by an SQL trigger can be looked at three different levels:

1)       The individual row level, defined with the keyword "NEW"

2)       The entire set of new transactions being inserted, defined with the keyword "NEW_TABLE"

3)       The entire set of old transactions being affected, defined with the keyword "OLD_TABLE"


In this example, we defined both, but only used the NEW level, defined here as N_ROW. Fields are referred to using N_ROW.FIELD_NAME.


The NEW_TABLE keyword gives SQL access to what is known as the  "TRANSITION TABLE".  If necessary, one could use the values within to insert aggregated logic, such as MIN,  MAX or AVG. To specify a Transition Table, the keyword REFERENCING is being used in the CREATE TRIGGER statement.  Here below are the two possible TRANSITION TABLE statements usable:


New_Table Table Name
Specifies the name of the table which captures the value that is used to update the rows in the database when the triggering SQL operation is applied to the database. On an insert, note that the Before Image is a NULL


OLD_TABLE table-name
Specifies the name of the table which captures the original state of the set of affected rows (that is, before the triggering SQL operation is applied to the database).


In SQL, NULL Maps are not generated. We are using the same file images in this example as the ones we used previously for C and RPG. In this SQL example, the fields formerly filled with NULL maps are simply are filled with the “DUMMY” constant. In SQL, the instruction IFNULL is the most convenient way to insert a default value if a NULL value was present in a field.


Other Trigger Examples using SQL


On an Update:


We will use only the amount field for update operation.



AFTER UPDATE OF AMOUNT ON ATMTXN                                 


FOR EACH ROW               

WHEN (O_ROW.AMOUNT <> 0 and N_ROW.AMOUNT < 0)                   

INSERT INTO ATMTXNLOG                                            


'Account balance now below zero - Activate Cheque Protection. Old Row Values:' || 



' New Row Values:' || 

CHAR(N_ROW.ACCTID)|| CHAR(N_ROW.TCODE) || CHAR(N_ROW.AMOUNT),                          



On a delete, note that the After Image is a NULL. We also don't need the NEW_TABLE intermediate values.









CHAR(N_ROW.AMOUNT) || CHAR(N_ROW.DESC),                        


CHAR(ATMID)||CHAR(ACCTID)|| CHAR(TCODE)||                      

CHAR(AMOUNT)|| CHAR(DESC),                                     

'DUMMY' )                                                      


Note that on a delete trigger, the After Image is a NULL. We also don't need the NEW_TABLE intermediate values.



To block actions, such as writing new records by using a trigger, the following code can be used


CREATE TRIGGER BLOCK_INSERT                                                    

   NO CASCADE BEFORE INSERT ON ATMTXN                                          

   REFERENCING NEW AS N_ROW                                                    

   FOR EACH ROW MODE DB2SQL                                                    

     WHEN (N_ROW.AMOUNT < 0 )                                                  

      BEGIN ATOMIC                                                             

      SIGNAL SQLSTATE '85101'                                                  




To delete a trigger with SQL, use the DROP instruction:





Executing the SQL Trigger Code

Most of the statements above can be executed by hand in the STRSQL command entry line, or using RUNSQLSTM with the SQL statement stored in a source member. If however your SQL statement is more complex, with WHILE constructs for example, you will need to use either a procedure or embed your SQL statement in a high level language like RPG or C.


Embedded SQL Considerations

So far, we have covered trigger techniques in RPG, in C and in SQL. If you are in a situation where a mixture of a high level language and SQL would be the best solution, that can also be used as a trigger. The following example, a C program with embedded SQL code demonstrate, still using our example files.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>


#pragma mapinc("atmtxnlog"," TRIGTEST/ATMTXNLOG(TXNLOGR)","both","p z")

#include "atmtxnlog"

#define  FILESIZE  28

#define  FLDTOTAL  5


       char sbuf_before[28];

       char sbuf_after[28];

       char snull_before[5];

       char snull_after[5];

       char op_code[1];







   exec sql include SQLCA;

void trgbufcpy(char *, char *, int, int);

void main(int argc, char **argv)


   char buf_before[FILESIZE];

   char buf_after[FILESIZE];

   char nullmap_before[FLDTOTAL];

   char nullmap_after[FLDTOTAL];


   memcpy(&TrgBuf, argv[1], sizeof(TrgBuf));

   trgbufcpy(argv[1], buf_before, TrgBuf.TOldRecOffset,


   trgbufcpy(argv[1], buf_after, TrgBuf.TNewRecOffset,


   trgbufcpy(argv[1], nullmap_before, TrgBuf.TOldNullMapOffset,


   trgbufcpy(argv[1], nullmap_after, TrgBuf.TNewNullMapOffset,


    strcpy(sbuf_before, buf_before);

    strcpy(sbuf_after,  buf_after);

    strcpy(snull_before, nullmap_before);

    strcpy(snull_after,  nullmap_after);

    strcpy(op_code,  TrgBuf.TTrgEvent);




                  TIME(CURRENT TIMESTAMP),  :sbuf_before,

                  :snull_before, :sbuf_after, :snull_after);



         printf("*** Error Occured. SQLCODE = %5d\n",SQLCODE);



} /* End of Main */

void trgbufcpy(char *source_str, char *dest_str, int bufoffset, int buflen)         


 int i;                                                                 

    for (i = 0; i <= buflen; i++){                                           

         dest_str[I] = source_str[i + bufoffset];                              


    dest_str[buflen] = '\0';   







Triggers and their relationship to referential integrity


A physical file can have both triggers and referential constraints associated with it. The running order among trigger actions and referential constraints depends on the constraints and triggers that associate with the file.


In some cases, the system evaluates referential constraints before and after the system calls a trigger program. This is the case with constraints that specify the RESTRICT rule.


In some cases, all statements in the trigger program -- including nested trigger programs -- run before the constraint is applied. This is true for NO ACTION, CASCADE, SET NULL, and SET DEFAULT referential constraint rules. When you specify these rules, the system evaluates the file's constraints based on the nested results of trigger programs. For example, an application inserts employee records into an EMP file that has a constraint and trigger:


If a referential constraint specifies that a department number for an inserted employee record to the EMP file must exist in the DEPT file, whenever an insert to the EMP file occurs, the trigger program checks if the department number exists in the DEPT file. The trigger program then adds the number if it does not exist.


When the insertion to the EMP file occurs, the system calls the trigger program first. If the department number does not exist in the DEPT file, the trigger program inserts the new department number into the DEPT file. Then the system evaluates the referential constraint. In this case, the insertion is successful because the department number exists in the DEPT file.


There are some restrictions when both a trigger and referential constraint are defined for the same physical file:


Ø       If a delete trigger associates with a physical file, that file must not be a dependent file in a referential constraint with a delete rule of CASCADE.

Ø       If an update trigger associates with a physical file, no field in this physical file can be a foreign key in a referential constraint with a delete rule of SET NULL or SET DEFAULT.

Ø       If failure occurs during either a trigger program or referential constraint validation, all trigger programs associated with the change operation roll back if all the files run under the same commitment definition. The referential constraints are guaranteed when all files in the trigger program and the referential integrity network run under the same commitment definition. If you open the files without commitment control or in a mixed scenario, unpredictable results may occur.

Ø       When saving a file that is associated with a constraint, the database network saves all dependent files in the same library.



Having said that, there may be cases when creating a referential constraint may be less effort than writing a trigger program. Simple rules can be enforced with this method using very little coding. The caveat is, as always, in the inflexible nature of a constraint, as opposed to a trigger, where for example, a user can be notified rather than having a hard crash for an invalid update on a referential constraint file. Here are some examples:


The constraint shown here will prevent anyone from altering a bank balance with a negative number.


ALTER TABLE ATMTXN                


  CHECK (AMOUNT > 0)              


The constraint below ensures that the value entered in the account number would have to exist in the account master.  In addition, the delete rule specified in the VALID_ACCOUNT constraint is NO ACTION, which means that an account record in the ACCT_MASTER table cannot be deleted if there are records with that account number in the ATMTXN table. 







To delete a constraint with SQL, use the DROP instruction:




Implementing Triggers on Existing Systems


Think again of the hypothetical situation described at the beginning of the article: Put yourself in the position where you are suddenly promoted to the position of  "IT manager" in a shop with a system which has been "somewhat reliable" for many years, with some "known bugs ".


Having read the above article, you now know that triggers are endlessly reliable business-rule/data-integrity enforcers.  You also know that placing rule-enforcing triggers on some of your strategic, high-volume transaction files would probably paralyze your "somewhat reliable" system, and that, at the most inconvenient time, like month-end for example. Who needs that?  Would you, newly minted IT manager want to risk your neck because of a trigger program was too smart for its own good and crashed your month-end for data integrity reasons? Should you leave good enough alone? Could triggers help or would they be too radical a method to try to boost the reliability of the system?


Whether the consequences could be considered minor or major, there is something to be gained by enforcing basic database and business rules with triggers.  In the situation such as the one described above, installing a trigger that would suddenly enforce referential integrity could indeed paralyze the system described above.  Does that mean you cannot use this technique on an older system? The answer is NO.


The way to implement referential integrity in such a situation is to start gradually. By this, I mean that you would want, as a first pass, to create a trigger that would simply "ring the alarm" as opposed to stop a process or a write or an update. 


Here is what we mean: When a violation would occur, rather than stopping the entire transaction, the trigger would simply write a record in a log file, describing the type of violation that has occurred, with a before and after image of the record. Having that information, one can target the buggy programs, fix them and only when the program has proven to be reliable for an appropriate period of time (look at the log file to determine that) then and only then, implement a trigger that would enforce the rules.  


Existing Triggers: Know What You Have On Your System


One question you may not have thought of is "Are there triggers present on your system right now?"  You can get the answer to this question by typing the following command:




Be prepared to see this command running for a long time. It may be advisable to submit it in batch mode. If you do get results in that listing, review them carefully and ensure you understand what each one of these triggers does.  While trigger programs can be excellent guardians of data integrity, they are essentially programs that "react to events". They also tend not to attract attention to themselves, as they are not called directly by any other program, CL or otherwise, which means they don't tend to come up in cross-reference listings.


This makes trigger programs good candidates for hiding malicious code. While the iSeries has a reputation for being virus-proof, because of their nature, it is good practice for the technical manager to know exactly what triggers reside on their system and what action these triggers will take, who compiled them when, etc.


Once you have seen the base line report, done with the command above you can then periodically run the same command, just changing the CHGRPTONLY parameter to *YES. This version of the report will list changes and new trigger programs on your system.


In the same vein, When an SQL trigger is created, its definition is automatically added to the SYSTRIGGERS, SYSTRIGDEP, SYSTRIGCOL, and SYSTRIGUPD catalogs. In the same way, when an SQL table is restored, the definitions for the SQL triggers are also restored, along with their definitions in those catalogs, which can be queried with SQL. The idea here, once again, is to know exactly what you have on your system, as far as trigger objects, written with a high-level language or with SQL, and what each trigger program does.



Triggers and Performance Impact Considerations


Performance considerations, especially on large databases, are critical. Assume you have a database file, used for add or update by ten different programs, each of which using the exact same edit. If you take the edit portion of the code out each of these programs and write it instead (only once this time) in a trigger program, the performance impact should be minimal. The same edit will be performed for each add or update, only at a different level. If the edits, implemented as triggers, are completely new however, there will be an impact. Also, one has to be conscious that adding cascading or nested triggers on a database file where there was none before can translate into a noticeable performance downgrade. 


In Conclusion


Triggers are not used as often as they could be. Perhaps because most programmers can simply live with some margin of error in dealing with the applications they are currently working on.  Ask yourself: Could your system be more reliable? Do you get called occasionally in the middle of the night for problems caused by bad data?


If you can answer yes to either of these questions, then triggers may be worth exploring in your shop.


We would encourage anyone who has managed to live without triggers until now to find a spot where there may be place for improvement in their system. What is there to lose?


Can you use a promotion? Can you use a salary increase? Triggers are all about helping developers improve system reliability. Working with reliable systems mean you can be busy being productive instead of reacting to avoidable bugs.  At the end of the day, who will be the first to benefit from greater system reliability in your organization?


The answer is simply YOU!



Appendix 1: Trigger Commands  (credit: IBM iSeries Information Center)


Required authorities and data capabilities for triggers


To add a trigger, you must have the following authorities:

Object management or Alter authority to the file

Read data rights to the file

Corresponding data right relative to trigger event

Execute authority to the file's library

Execute authority to the trigger program

Execute authority to the trigger program's library

The file must have appropriate data capabilities before you add a trigger:

CRTPF ALWUPD(*NO) conflicts with *UPDATE Trigger

CRTPF ALWDLT(*NO) conflicts with *DELETE Trigger

ADDPFTRG is the Add Physical File Trigger


Displaying Triggers


The Display File Description (DSPFD) command provides a list of the triggers that are associated with a file. Specify TYPE(*TRG) or TYPE(*ALL) to get this list. The command provides the following information:

Ø       The number of trigger programs

Ø       The trigger program names and libraries

Ø       The trigger events

Ø       The trigger times

Ø       The trigger update conditions



Removing Triggers:


Use the Remove Physical File Trigger (RMVPFTRG) command to remove the association of a file and trigger program. Once you remove the association, the system takes no action when a change is made to the physical file. The trigger program, however, remains on the system.




IBM, Stored Procedures, Triggers and User Defined Functions on DB2 Universal Database for iSeries (




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